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Disclosures and General Exclusions

 Exclusions and Limitations  

Important Information: This policy provides vision care limited benefits health insurance only. It does not provide basic hospital, basic medical or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Insurance Department. Coverage is limited to those charges that are necessary for a routine vision examination. Co-pays apply.  

The plan does not pay for:  

  • Orthoptics or vision training and any associated supplemental testing. 
  • Medical or surgical treatment of the eye. 
  • Eye examination or corrective eyewear required by an employer as a condition of employment. 
  • Replacement of lenses and frames that are furnished under this plan, which are lost or broken (except at normal intervals when services are otherwise available or a warranty exists).  

The plan limits benefits for blended lenses, oversized lenses, photochromic lenses, tinted lenses, progressive multifocal lenses, coated or laminated lenses, a frame that exceeds plan allowance, cosmetic lenses; U-V protected lenses and optional cosmetic processes. 

The services, exclusions and limitations listed above do not constitute a contract and are a summary only. The Guardian plan documents are the final arbiter of coverage. [Insert the Guardian Summary Plan Description] 

Laser Correction Surgery:  

Laser surgery is not an insured benefit. The surgery is available at a discounted fee. The covered person must pay the entire discounted fee. In addition, the laser surgery discount may not be available in all states. 

Discounts on average of I0-20% off usual and customary charge or 5% off promotional price for vision laser Surgery. Members out-of-pocket costs are limited to $1,800 per eye for LASIK or $1,500 per eye for PRK or $2300 per eye for Custom LASIK, Custom PRK, or Bladeless LASIK.